Friday 30 December 2011

Interview with Illamasqua Employee - Leeds Store

Me: For my live project with Illamasqua we’ve been set a brief to create an out-of-store experience for the brand. In doing this, I’m hoping to create something entirely new that still appeals to the same demographic that Illamasqua currently cater to. So, if you were to take the brand out of store what are the key elements of the brand that you think would need to be highlighted and make prominent?

Illamasqua employee: I think it would definitely need to be the attitudes, to be very welcome and educational, we have the philosophy to greet everyone when they come into the store and come across as being very natural and laid back, but definitely that is key, I mean we’ve only been here for a few weeks and we’ve already got regular customers and that speaks volumes. We get a lot of people who want that whole, they want to be different and become more confident and they want to be a little bit more out there and I think that’s what makes us different from the rest.

Me: Yeah definitely, so do you think, is there anything when customers come in, are there any services that they ask for or anything that are a little bit more out there that Illamasqua don’t cater for yet? So, is there anything that you would think would be an ideal out-of-store experience?

Illamasqua employee: erm I don’t know because my personal opinion from coming from the Leeds store, we get a lot looking for transformations which we do and a lot coming for advice, like theatrical which we do; we can give advice for some things like that, same with special effects we can give advice on that so I mean regarding for personal and for media use I think we’re pretty covered on that. I think there’s quite a broad range.

Me: You’ve got the make-up service, The Final Act of Self-Expression as well haven’t you.
Illamasqua employee: Yeah that’s the first time that’s ever been done which is good because a lot of people actually do want that erm and it’s quite a specialist thing to go into that. I do think we cover a hell of a lot, I think the only thing we don’t do is hair and nails and that would turn us into a beauty salon.

Me: So because of the attitudes of the make-up with it being quite daring, do you think with an out-of-store experience it would have to be quite out there and quite daring too? Maybe something that would allow people to embrace a different side of themselves?

Illamasqua employee: I think I’d probably do two in my personal opinion because not everyone is as out there, normal day-to-day people do walk in, we offer rich liquid foundation and skin base offers that great way to perfect skin and that’s what most people generally go for, you know perfect skin. We do get some who are very daring, you know Goths and people like that, which is great so yeah I’d probably do two.

Me: Do two, OK.

Illamasqua employee: One for the natural look and then what you can create from that natural look into a really beautiful eccentric look. That’s what I’d do.

Me: Aah OK, that’s great.

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